Tailwind Templates & UI Examples

Get 210+ Tailwind CSS templates, landing page & dashboard UI kits on Tailkits.

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Popular products
Preline UI HOT

Open-source set of prebuilt UI components based on the utility-first Tailwind CSS.


Preline UI

Open-source set of prebuilt UI components based on the utility-first Tailwind CSS.

Developer Blog Template

An open-source blogging template for developers made with Next.js, @shadcn/ui and Tailwind CSS


58+ handcrafted Tailwind CSS templates for your project


6 Free dashboard templates built with Tailwind CSS and Alpine.js

Prima Persona

6 page free blog template with Astro.js and Tailwind CSS

Apps Template

9 section landing page template for Tailwind CSS

App Landing Page

13 section mobile app landing page template for Tailwind CSS

Inerta Template

6 page multipurpose landing page template for Tailwind CSS

Kometa UI Kit

130+ UI sections in HTML, VueJS, and React for Tailwind CSS

Cube Template

8-page landing page UI components in dark mode for Tailwind CSS

Neon Template

4-page landing page UI components in dark mode for Tailwind CSS

Appy Template

8-page landing page UI components in dark mode for Tailwind CSS

Tidy Template

12-page landing page UI components for Tailwind CSS

Open Pro Template

12 page landing page UI components in dark mode for Tailwind CSS

Dusk UI Kit

90 dark mode UI components for Tailwind CSS

Clarity UI Kit

97 minimal UI components to build modern landing pages with Tailwind CSS


You can find answers for commonly asked questions about templates.

1. What are Tailwind Templates and how do they work?

Tailwind Templates are pre-designed layouts created with Tailwind CSS, helping developers quickly build seo-friendly websites. A good template should feature multiple components that follow a consistent design theme and principles.