Tailwind Components & UI Elements

Best Tailwind components and elements to use on your web projects.

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70+ animated React components & templates with Framer Motion


Tailwind Form

Tailwind form component component with Alpine.js


450+ UI components for Tailwind CSS


70+ animated React components & templates with Framer Motion

Tailwind Table

Responsive and minimal table component built with Tailwind CSS.

Tailwind UI

500+ Tailwind components in React, Vue, and HTML

Tailus React UI

Customizable React UI components styled with Tailus Themer

Preline UI

Open-source set of prebuilt UI components based on the utility-first Tailwind CSS.

Myna UI

Open UI Components and Elements made with Tailwind CSS

Tailwind Banner Component

Tailwind banner components that stick to the top or bottom of the page are built with Tailwind CSS and Alpine.js

Park UI Components

Beautifully designed components built for the choice of JS and CSS frameworks

Headless UI

10+ React and Vue UI components from Tailwind Labs

Tailwind CSS Countdown Timer

Tailwind CSS Countdown Timer is a type of timer that is created using the Tailwind CSS framework. It is a tool that can be used to display a countdown to a particular event or deadline.

Storefront UI

Open-source frontend library built with Tailwind CSS


235 landing page UI components built for Tailwind CSS


Open Source Alpine JS Components with Tailwind CSS

Sail UI

Basic UI components for Tailwind CSS

Ripple UI

Custom framework with of reusable components built on top of Tailwind CSS


19 HTML & React UI components built with Tailwind CSS




Tailwind CSS plugin that provides atomic components like field, button, and card

SaaS Blocks

120+ React and HTML UI components pre-built with Tailwind CSS

Konsta UI

Free mobile UI elements with Tailwind CSS


Framework agnostic frontend library for Tailwind CSS


63 ready-to-use Tailwind CSS components


226 Free & Open Source Tailwind CSS Components

What is Tailwind CSS?

Tailwind CSS is a utility-first CSS framework that provides low-level utility classes to build custom designs directly in your HTML.

Unlike other frameworks that come with pre-designed components, Tailwind gives you the tools to create your unique styles without writing much custom CSS. It's like having a toolkit full of building blocks that you can mix and match to create any design you want.

Tailwind CSS highly flexible, making it a favorite among developers who want more control over their design process.

How Can I Use a Tailwind Component Multiple Times Without Duplicating It?

To use a Tailwind component multiple times without duplicating it, you can create reusable components by defining them once and including them wherever needed.

This approach ensures consistency and makes maintenance easier.

By using Tailwind's utility classes (@apply directives), you can easily tweak these components to your liking without having to write the same code over and over again.

How to Use the @apply Directive in Tailwind CSS

The "@apply" directive in Tailwind CSS allows you to use utility classes in your custom CSS. This is useful for creating reusable styles and keeping your HTML clean. Here's how to use it:

  1. Create a CSS file: Add your custom styles in a separate CSS file.
  2. Use @apply: Use the @apply directive to include Tailwind's utility classes in your custom styles.
  3. Example:
.btn-primary {
  @apply bg-blue-500 text-white py-2 px-4 rounded;

This creates a custom class .btn-primary that includes Tailwind's utility classes for background color, text color, padding, and border-radius.

Using the @apply directive helps you maintain a clean and organized codebase, making it easier to reuse and update styles across your project.

What's a Component Library?

A component library is a collection of pre-designed UI elements that you can use in your projects.

Tailwind component libraries mostly filled with ready-to-use parts like buttons, forms, cards, and modals. These components are designed to be reusable and customizable, so you can adapt them to fit the specific needs of your project.

Using a component library saves time and ensures consistency across your website or application, as you don't have to build these elements from scratch each time.

What's the Difference Between Marketing and Admin Components?

Marketing (Landing Page) components and dashboard components are designed for different purposes. Marketing (Landing Page) components, like hero sections and call-to-action buttons, are focused on attracting and converting visitors. They aim to make a strong first impression and guide users towards specific actions.

In addition, dashboard components are all about functionality and data management. These elements, like charts, tables, and navigation menus, are used in admin panels or user dashboards. They help users manage and interact with data efficiently. The main difference is that Marketing (Landing Page) components aim to engage and convert, while dashboard components focus on usability and data presentation.


You can find answers for commonly asked questions about components.

1. What are Tailwind Components?

Tailwind Components are pre-designed UI elements created with Tailwind CSS. They save developers from having to code common features from scratch each time. These components include essential parts of a website, such as buttons, forms, and navigation bars, making it easier to build landing pages or admin panels quickly and efficiently.

2. How do I add Tailwind Components to my project?

Simply browse the Tailkits library, select the desired component, copy the provided code, and paste it into your project’s HTML or JavaScript file.

3. Can I customize Tailwind Components to fit my design system?

Absolutely! Tailwind Components are fully customizable, allowing you to tweak the classes and styles to match your specific design needs.