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About daisyUI components


daisyUI components 49+ highly customizable and themeable HTML UI components to build web applications faster. Get ahead with free and well-documented daisyUI with plugin support.


daisyUI offers the following features:

  1. 49+ customizable components
  2. 20+ colorful theme options
  3. A free plugin for Tailwind CSS
  4. Faster development
  5. Cleaner HTML
  6. Customizable and themeable components
  7. Pure CSS. Works on all frameworks
  8. Installation via npm
  9. daisyUI 3.0 just dropped

Included Components

daisyUI include everything from alerts, chat bubbles, and code mockups to more complex elements like kbd elements and file inputs.

Application UI

  1. Alert
  2. Artboard
  3. Avatar
  4. Badge
  5. Bottom navigation
  6. Breadcrumbs
  7. Button group
  8. Button
  9. Card
  10. Carousel
  11. Chat bubble
  12. Checkbox
  13. Collapse
  14. Countdown
  15. Divider
  16. Drawer
  17. Dropdown
  18. File Input
  19. Footer
  20. Hero
  21. Indicator
  22. Input group
  23. Text Input
  24. Kbd (Kbd is used to display keyboard shortcuts.)
  25. Link
  26. Mask
  27. Menu
  28. Code mockup
  29. Phone mockup
  30. Window mockup
  31. Modal
  32. Navbar
  33. Pagination
  34. Progress
  35. Radial progress
  36. Radio
  37. Range slider
  38. Rating
  39. Select
  40. Stack
  41. Stat
  42. Steps
  43. Swap
  44. Tabs
  45. Table
  46. Textarea
  47. Toast
  48. Toggle
  49. Tooltip

Pros and Cons

Pros ✅

  1. %100 Free
  2. npm install
  3. Customizable components and custom config
  4. Avaliable in 10+ languages
  5. Setup Examples with different frameworks and build tools made with daisyUI
  6. Regular updates: daisyUI 3.0 released on 02.06.2023

Cons ⛔️

  1. They could have include more components

Who is daisyUI for?

daisyUI is a good choice for developers who build with open-source libraries. It provides an ideal base for developers seeking accessible, affordable ways to develop highly customizable and themeable web applications.

daisyUI components


49+ Free and customizable Tailwind CSS Component Library

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