Tailwind Alpine.js Templates

Find the best Alpine.js templates and UI components built with Tailwind CSS. Discover hand-picked Alpine.js templates, UI kits, and component libraries created with Tailwind CSS

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6 Free dashboard templates built with Tailwind CSS and Alpine.js

Apps Template

9 section landing page template for Tailwind CSS

Cube Template

8-page landing page UI components in dark mode for Tailwind CSS

Neon Template

4-page landing page UI components in dark mode for Tailwind CSS

Appy Template

8-page landing page UI components in dark mode for Tailwind CSS

Tidy Template

12-page landing page UI components for Tailwind CSS

Open Pro Template

12 page landing page UI components in dark mode for Tailwind CSS


You can find answers for commonly asked questions about templates.

1. What is Alpine.js and how does it compare to other JavaScript frameworks?

Alpine.js is a lightweight JavaScript framework designed for adding interactive behavior to your web pages. It's much simpler and more minimal than frameworks like React or Vue, making it ideal for smaller projects or when you want to enhance HTML without a complex build process.

2. 2. How do I start using Alpine.js in my project?

You add a script tag to your HTML, and you're ready to go, making it more like jQuery in terms of ease of use.

3. Can Alpine.js handle complex functionality like forms and animations?

Yes, Alpine.js can manage complex functionalities like form interactions and animations. For example, x-model is great for binding form inputs to data, and x-transition allows you to apply CSS transitions easily.