Carriera Tailwind Template


22 page minimal Tailwind template built with Astro

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Details About Carriera Tailwind Template
Key points:
  • Responsive Design
  • Tailwind CSS v3.0+
  • Documentation
  • JavaScript Plugin
  • Custom .config
  • MDX Support
  • Custom Color Palette


24 pages and 100+ components of Astro template built on top of Tailwind CSS to create user-friendly simple websites.


Carriera Tailwind template offers the following features:

  • 22 pages with Astro and Alpine.js included
  • 90+ HTML sections and 100+ components
  • Blog UI components with MDX Support
  • Astro.js content collections feature
  • Easy installation via npm
  • Custom color palette

Included Pages

Carriera Tailwind template provides all the pages and components you need to build a super simple website.

Landing Pages

  • Landing Page
  • About
  • 404

Blog Pages

  • Blog Home
  • 6x Blog Posts
  • Tag Index
  • Tag Category
  • RSS


  • Job Offer
  • Job Offer Level
  • Job Offer Category
  • Job Offer Post
  • Companies Home
  • 8x Company Details

System Pages

  • Color Guide
  • Typography Guide
  • Overview

Info Pages

  • FAQ
  • About
  • Terms
  • Contact
  • Privacy

Pricing Pages

  • Pricing
  • Free Offer Post
  • Paid Offer Post

Pros and Cons

Pros ✅

  1. Astro is a great option for building complex multi-page websites while still being able to use HTML components.
  2. It comes with Astro V4.
  3. The file structure is well-organized.
  4. It's a big plus compared to other templates because most don't mention file structure details. If you consider buying Carriera template, you can see the file structure before purchasing.
  5. Pre-built landing page UI components
  6. Pre-built blog UI components with RSS support
  7. Out-of-the-box Markdown (MDX) integration for blog posts.
  8. AstroJS and AlpineJS integration

Cons ⛔️

  1. Single theme purchase comes with email support only. You have to buy bundle access to access Discord Support.
  2. The individual product purchase appears relatively costly compared to getting access to the bundled Lexington Library, which includes 30+ templates, for just twice the price.

File Structure

File structure


  • Astro Prism
  • Tailwind CSS
  • Astro Sitemap
  • Tailwindcss Forms
  • Tailwindcss Typography


How much does Carriera template cost?

Carriera is available for a one-time fee of $99. A lifetime bundle including all themes costs $199.