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Discover Tailwind CSS
Resources to Build Awesome Projects

Discover a big collection of Tailwind CSS starters, online courses, collections, and guides in Tailkits library. Learn and build your projects with Tailwind CSS.

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Helpful Resources

Discover the latest resources to learn and build projects with Tailwind CSS

Tailtools🗂️ Collection

A collection of tools to generate code for Tailwind CSS.

Tailwind Font Sizes
Tailwind Font Sizes🗂️ Collection

Explore Tailwind CSS font size & style examples to improve your typography.

How to implement passwordless authentication in NextJS application with WebAuth and NextAuth

Learn how to use NextAuth library to implement passwordless authentication with Email link and WebAuthn in a NextJS app.

Tailwind CSS Tutorials by Cruip

Get the most out of our Tailwind CSS templates with easy-to-follow tutorials, guides, and actionable tips & tricks.

Tailwind CSS Tutorial for Beginners

Learn Tailwind CSS with Victor Gonzalez with Scrimba

Tailwind CSS - Cheatsheet
Tailwind CSS - Cheatsheet🧑‍💻 Starter

One page Tailwind CSS Cheatsheet

Taos Animation Library
Taos Animation Library🗂️ Collection

Tailwind CSS Animation on Scroll Library

Tailwind CSS Tutorials for Beginners

Learn what Tailwind CSS is, how to setup Tailwind CSS and create an example Tailwind CSS project.

Box Shadows for TailwindCSS
Box Shadows for TailwindCSS🗂️ Collection

A curated list of box shadows for TailwindCSS

TailwindCSS Buttons
TailwindCSS Buttons🗂️ Collection

Collection of 44 TailwindCSS buttons

Box Shadows for TailwindCSS
Box Shadows for TailwindCSS🗂️ Collection

box-shadow generator for TailwindCSS

Knights of the Flexbox Table
Knights of the Flexbox Table🧑‍💻 Starter

Learn and remember Flexbox with Tailwind CSS to overcome your cheatsheet.

Beginner Tailwind
Beginner Tailwind✏️ Course

9.25 hours of Tailwind CSS learning course from Chris Sev

ProTailwind - Professional Tailwind Workshops

Learn advanced Tailwind CSS concepts & patterns from Simon Vrachliotis