HireWise Tailwind Astro Template
25+ page job board template built with AstroJS and Tailwind CSS

- MDX Support
- JavaScript Plugin
- Documentation
- Tailwind CSS v3
- Responsive Design
44 pages and 100+ components of AstroJS landing page template built on top of Tailwind CSS to create multipage modern landing pages and websites.
HireWise UI Kit offers the following features:
- 25+ pages with Astro.js and Alpine.js included
- 50+ HTML sections and 80+ components
- Blog UI components with MDX Support
- Out of the box pre-built AstroJS and Tailwind CSS integrations such as tailwindcss/forms and astro/sitemap
- Powerful documentation
- Easy install via npm
- Custom color palette
Included Pages
HireWise UI Kit include everything from single event, pricing, and form pages to more complex page UI designs like blog and event and job sections and landing page designs.
Main pages
- Home
- About
- Blog pages
- Landing One
- Landing two
- Landing three
- 6 x Blog posts
- All tags
- Tag category
- Job Offer Location
- Job Offer Level
- Job Offer Category
- Job Offer Post
- All Companies
- Company Profile
- Pricing
- Paid Job Offer Post
- Free Job Offer Post
Utility pages
- Contact
- Privacy Policy
- Terms of Use
- 404
- Overview
- Style Guide
Pros and Cons
Pros ✅
- Astro.js is a great choice if you are building complex multi-page websites and you can still use HTML components.
- File structure is mentioned
- It's a big plus compared to other templates because most don't mention file structure details. If you are considering buying HireWise UI Kit template, you can see the file structure before purchasing.
- Pre-built landing page UI components
- Pre-built blog UI components with RSS support
- Out of the box Markdown (MDX) integration for blog posts.
- AstroJS and AlpineJS integration
Cons ⛔️
- Single theme purchase comes with email support only. You have to buy bundle access to access Discord Support.
- The individual product purchase appears relatively costly in comparison to getting access to the bundled Lexington Library, which includes 16+ templates, for just twice the price.
File Structure
- public
- src
- components
- layouts
- pages
- content
- posts
- config.ts
- data
- scripts
- styles
- endv.d.ts
- astro.config.mjs
- custom-theme.json
- package-lock.json
- package.json
- tailwind.config.js
- ts.config.json
Who is HireWise UI Kit for?
HireWise UI Kit is an excellent value proposition, particularly for those engaged in the development of multi-page landing pages that necessitate numerous integrations and a built-in blog feature. Moreover, Astro.js presents a commendable alternative for freelancers and developers seeking a robust solution.
What do people say?
Amazing resource using @astrodotbuild and @tailwindcss! I got it a week ago and have found the contents really useful. 5/5"
Alonso / Entrepreneur