Windy Chrome Extension


Copy elements from any website as a Tailwind CSS component.

Windy Chrome Extension Image 1
Details About Windy Chrome Extension
Key points:
  • Tailwind V3
  • Plugin support
  • JIT Engine Support
  • Inspect Element
  • Auto Deploy

What is Windy?

Windy is a browser extension that allows developers to convert HTML elements from any website into Tailwind CSS classes quickly and easily.

Features ✨

Windy converts HTML elements to Tailwind CSS with ease.

  • Supports Tailwind CSS versions v1 to v3
  • Custom Tailwind CSS configuration support
  • Responsive design integration with media query reports
  • Browser extension for Chrome and Firefox

Integration 🧰

  • Compatible with Tailwind CSS versions v1 to v3
  • Works with other CSS frameworks like Bootstrap, Bulma, and Foundation


  • Windy: $59 one-time purchase for a lifetime license.
  • Bundle with DevTools for Tailwind: $79 one-time purchase.


What browsers are supported?

Windy is available for Chrome and Firefox browsers.

Is there a trial version available?

No free trial, but a money-back guarantee is provided.

Can I use it on multiple devices?

Yes, Windy can be used on two separate devices and browsers with easy activation management.