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OpenBlog Tailwind Blog Template


Open-source, SEO-friendly blog template built with AstroJS and Tailwind with MDX support

OpenBlog Tailwind Blog Template Image 1
Details About OpenBlog Tailwind Blog Template
Key points:
  • Custom .config
  • Documentation
  • Dark Mode
  • Open Source
  • Tailwind CSS v3
  • Responsive Design

Are you looking for a blog that is both stylish and user-friendly? Look no further than Openblog! With its streamlined design and straightforward interface, Openblog prioritizes accessibility and ease of use. Plus, it's optimized for search engine rankings and high performance. Give Openblog a try and see why it's the perfect choice for bloggers of all levels.


  1. Minimal styling
  2. Mobile responsive
  3. 100/100 Lighthouse performance
  4. SEO-friendly with canonical URLs and OpenGraph data
  5. Sitemap support
  6. RSS Feed support
  7. Markdown & MDX support
  8. Syntax highlighting
  9. Image optimization
  10. Table of contents
  11. Dark mode
  12. Reading Time
  13. Pagefind static search library integration
  14. Related posts
  15. Share posts (Linkedin, twitter)
  16. Draft mode
  17. Copy code block

Tech Stack

  1. ASTRO + Typescript - Astro is the all-in-one web framework designed for speed.
  2. Tailwind CSS + Tailwind-Merge + clsx - Tailwind CSS is a utility-first CSS framework.
  3. Tabler Icons - A open source SVG icons.
  4. Eslint - ESLint is an open source project that helps you find and fix problems.
  5. Prettier - Code formatter.
  6. Search Library - Static search library integration.
  7. Motion - Motion One is the smallest fully-featured animation library for the web.