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Mosaic Admin Template


200+ dashboard UI components for Tailwind CSS

Mosaic Admin Template Image 1
Details About Mosaic Admin Template
Key points:
  • Responsive Design

HTML Template

The HTML template is shipped with a pre-compiled CSS file. You can use the Tailwind CLI tool if you need to make changes to the template, and need to re-compile the the CSS.

Key dependencies

  1. Tailwind CSS 3
  2. Alpine.js 3
  3. Chart.js 3
  4. Flatpickr 4

React Template

Basic project built with React + Vite.

Key dependencies

  1. React 18
  2. React Router 6
  3. Tailwind CSS 3
  4. Vite 3
  5. Chart.js 3
  6. React Flatpickr 3

Vue Template

Basic project built with Vue + Vite.

Key dependencies

  1. Vue 3
  2. Vue Router 4
  3. Tailwind CSS 3
  4. Vite 3
  5. Chart.js 3
  6. Vue Flatpickr 9

Laravel Template

Basic project built with Laravel Jetstream and Livewire + Blade as Stack.

Key dependencies

  1. Tailwind CSS 3
  2. Vite 3
  3. Chart.js 3
  4. Flatpickr 4