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Midone Admin Dashboard Template


50+ page React & HTML React Admin Template made with Tailwind CSS

Midone Admin Dashboard Template Image 1
Details About Midone Admin Dashboard Template
Key points:
  • Custom Color Palette
  • JavaScript Plugin
  • Documentation
  • Dark Mode
  • Tailwind CSS v3
  • Responsive Design

Midone is a responsive and feature-rich admin template built using the utility-first CSS framework Tailwind CSS. It is perfect for developers looking for a ready-made, developer-friendly, and highly customizable admin dashboard. The template includes a wide range of pre-designed UI components and utility classes that can be easily customized without leaving the HTML code.

Whether you’re building backend applications, information systems, CRM, or starting a new simple project, Midone is an excellent choice. With its modern, unique, and flexible design, it is perfect for learning how to use Tailwind CSS. Check out the live preview and discover all the themes and features included in the template.


  1. React 18+
  2. TailwindCSS 3
  3. Vite 2
  4. Redux Toolkit
  5. PostCss
  6. Javascript/Typescript Support
  7. 50+ Pages
  8. 100+ Components
  9. 3 Menu layouts
  10. 3 Form wizard layouts
  11. 3 Blog layouts
  12. 2 Pricing layouts
  13. 2 Invoice layouts
  14. 3 FAQ layouts
  15. Login page
  16. Register page
  17. Error page
  18. Update profile page
  19. Change password page
  20. 3 Users layouts
  21. 3 Profile settings layouts
  22. Post news applications
  23. Inbox applications
  24. File manager applications
  25. Chat applications
  26. POS applications
  27. CRUD applications
  28. Regular & Tabulator table
  29. Accordion components
  30. Button components
  31. Modal components
  32. Alert components
  33. Progressbar components
  34. Tooltip components
  35. Dropdown components
  36. Toast/alert components
  37. Typography components
  38. Lucide icons
  39. Regular form
  40. Datepicker components
  41. Tom-select components
  42. Dropzone components
  43. Sumernote editor components
  44. Validation form components
  45. Chart widget
  46. Slider widget
  47. Image zoom widget
  48. Addon utilities and helper classes
  49. Free lifetime updates
  50. And much more..

Important Notes

  1. Preview images are not included in the download file.
  2. The XD design files are provided as a bonus file, we don’t accept any support requests for these files.

File Formats Included

  1. CSS
  2. HTML
  3. JS/TS
  4. XD Design Files (Rubick Version)
  5. Documentation in HTML