ISR Blog - Next.js & WordPress Template


Next.js blog template with ISR

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Details About ISR Blog - Next.js & WordPress Template
Key points:
  • MDX Support
  • Custom .config
  • JavaScript Plugin
  • Documentation
  • Open Source
  • Tailwind CSS v3.0+

What is it?

The ISR Blog with Next.js and WordPress is a template designed for building blogs with Incremental Static Regeneration, using Next.js for the front end and WordPress as the content management system.

Features ✨

Efficient blog creation and management:

  • Incremental Static Regeneration (ISR)
  • WordPress integration with WPGraphQL
  • Styled with Tailwind CSS
  • SEO optimizations
  • Supports Preview Mode

Pros and Cons ✅⛔️


  • Dynamic content updates with ISR
  • Easy content management with WordPress
  • Modern styling with Tailwind CSS
  • Optimized for SEO


  • Requires setting up WordPress and WPGraphQL


The ISR Blog template is free to use. Vercel offers a free tier for deployment, with additional features available in their premium plans.


  • Next.js
  • Tailwind CSS
  • WordPress
  • WPGraphQL
  • Vercel deployment


What is the ISR Blog with Next.js and WordPress?

ISR allows for static generation of pages at build time and incremental updates at runtime.