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Tailwind Text Color Made Simple

Your go-to guide for mastering Tailwind CSS text colors

by Yucel Faruk Sahan
13 min read
Updated on

Tailwind Text Color

Have you ever been overwhelmed by all the options for styling text in your projects? You're not alone! Tailwind CSS makes it easy to handle text colors, helping you create great-looking websites. In this guide, we'll show you how to use Tailwind's text color tools to improve your web design. From the basics to custom setups, we'll cover everything you need.

A Look at Tailwind's Default Text Colors

Tailwind CSS comes with a big set of colors you can use right away. These colors are designed to look good and be easy to read. The default colors include shades of red, orange, yellow, green, teal, blue, indigo, purple, pink, and gray. Each color has different shades, usually numbered from 50 to 900. The lower the number, the lighter the color; the higher the number, the darker it is.

For example, the blue shades are:

  • blue-50: A very light blue

  • blue-100

  • blue-200

  • blue-300

  • blue-400

  • blue-500: A medium blue

  • blue-600

  • blue-700

  • blue-800

  • blue-900: A very dark blue

With so many options, you can find just the right color for your design without having to make your own. The way the colors are named makes them easy to remember and use in your project.

Besides these colors, Tailwind includes special options like transparent, which makes text see-through, and current, which applies the current color value. These are handy when you're dealing with dynamic styles or when you want to inherit colors from parent elements.

Tailwind's default colors are chosen with accessibility in mind. The shades ensure there's enough contrast between text and backgrounds, making your text readable. You can use these colors knowing they meet the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) in most cases.

How Tailwind Stacks Up Against Other Frameworks

Other CSS frameworks like Bootstrap or Bulma give you color tools too, but Tailwind does it differently. Tailwind focuses on utility-first classes, which give you more control without having to override styles. Bootstrap provides ready-made components with fixed styles, while Tailwind lets you create custom designs more easily by adding simple classes right in your HTML.

Using Default Text Color Classes

Default Tailwind Text Color Classes

Changing text colors in Tailwind is easy. Since Tailwind uses utility-first classes, you can add them straight to your HTML elements without writing custom CSS. Let's see how to use these classes effectively.

The Basics

To change your text color, use the class text-{color}-{shade}. For example:

  • Red text:

    <p class="text-red-500">This text is red.</p>

  • Green text:

    <p class="text-green-700">This text is a darker green.</p>

  • Gray text:

    <p class="text-gray-300">This text is light gray.</p>

A Practical Example

Suppose you're building a blog and you want to highlight some words or headings. You might write:

<h1 class="text-indigo-600">Welcome to My Blog</h1>
<p class="text-gray-700">This is an amazing post about web development.</p>

Here, the heading uses an indigo color, and the paragraph text is a neutral gray. This creates a nice visual hierarchy for your readers.

Applying Text Color to Different Elements

You can use Tailwind's text color classes on more than just paragraphs and headings. They work on lists, tables, blockquotes, and others.

For lists:

<ul class="text-blue-600">
  <li>First item</li>
  <li>Second item</li>
  <li>Third item</li>

For tables:

<table class="text-sm text-left text-gray-500">
  <thead class="text-xs text-gray-700 uppercase bg-gray-50">
      <th class="px-6 py-3">Name</th>
      <th class="px-6 py-3">Age</th>
    <tr class="bg-white border-b">
      <td class="px-6 py-4">Alice</td>
      <td class="px-6 py-4">30</td>
    <tr class="bg-white">
      <td class="px-6 py-4">Bob</td>
      <td class="px-6 py-4">25</td>

In the table above, we use text color classes to style the table headers and body text, making it easier to read.

Hover and Focus Effects

Tailwind CSS Text Color

Tailwind lets you change text colors when a user hovers or focuses on an element using prefixes. For example:

<a href="#" class="text-blue-500 hover:text-blue-700">Hover over me</a>

Here, when someone hovers over the link, the text changes from medium blue to darker blue, giving interactive feedback.

Making Text Colors Responsive

You can change text colors depending on screen size using responsive prefixes. For instance:

<p class="text-gray-700 sm:text-gray-600 lg:text-gray-800">Responsive text color</p>

This paragraph uses different gray shades based on the screen size, so you can fine-tune your design.

Things to Keep in Mind

Remember, specificity matters. If you have conflicting styles, the class that appears later in the HTML usually wins. Also, inline styles or external CSS with higher specificity can override Tailwind classes. If your text color isn't working, check for these issues.

Real-world Examples of Text Color Use

Here are some ways Tailwind's text color classes can improve your design:

Notification Messages:

<p class="text-green-600">Success! Your account has been created.</p>
<p class="text-red-600">Error: Please enter a valid email address.</p>

Using colors for different message types helps users understand quickly.

Call to Action Buttons:

<button class="text-white bg-blue-600 hover:bg-blue-700">Sign Up Now</button>

A bold background color draws attention, while white text makes it readable.

Highlighting Important Text:

<p>Please read the <span class="text-red-600">terms and conditions</span> before proceeding.</p>

Changing the text color of "terms and conditions" emphasizes its importance.

Customizing Your Colors

Customizing Tailwind Colors

Sometimes you need to match your brand colors or personal preferences. Tailwind makes it easy to customize your color palette. You can do this by editing your tailwind.config.js file. You can add new colors or override existing ones in the theme.extend.colors section.

Adding New Colors

If you want to add colors but keep the default ones, use the extend keyword in tailwind.config.js:

module.exports = {
  theme: {
    extend: {
      colors: {
        'brand-red': '#e3342f',
        'brand-green': '#38c172',

Now, you can use your custom colors:

<p class="text-brand-red">This text uses a custom red color.</p>
<p class="text-brand-green">This text uses a custom green color.</p>

Replacing Default Colors

If you want to replace the default colors, set the colors property directly without extend:

module.exports = {
  theme: {
    colors: {
      'primary': '#3490dc',
      'secondary': '#ffed4a',
      'danger': '#e3342f',

Now, only these colors are available, and the default ones are gone.

Creating Shades for Custom Colors

To make different shades of a custom color, you can define each shade manually:

module.exports = {
  theme: {
    extend: {
      colors: {
        'brand-blue': {
          50: '#ebf5ff',
          100: '#e1effe',
          200: '#c3ddfd',
          300: '#a4cafe',
          400: '#76a9fa',
          500: '#3f83f8',
          600: '#1c64f2',
          700: '#1a56db',
          800: '#1e429f',
          900: '#233876',

Now, you can use different shades of brand-blue:

<p class="text-brand-blue-500">Medium brand blue text.</p>
<p class="text-brand-blue-700">Darker brand blue text.</p>

Using Colors from Other Sources

You can add color palettes from third-party sources like Material Design or Tailwind's extended colors. There are plugins that provide extra colors you can add to your Tailwind setup.

Example with Tailwind CSS Colors plugin:

First, install the plugin:

npm install -D @tailwindcss/colors

Then, import and use the colors in your tailwind.config.js:

const colors = require('@tailwindcss/colors');

module.exports = {
  theme: {
    extend: {
      colors: {
        teal: colors.teal,
        cyan: colors.cyan,

Now you can use classes like text-teal-500 or text-cyan-500.

Tips for Customizing Colors

  • Name Your Colors Clearly: Use understandable and consistent names for custom colors to make your code easy to manage.

  • Don't Overdo It: Try not to add too many custom colors; stick to a set palette.

  • Stay Consistent: Use the same color names across projects when possible.

  • Document Your Colors: Keep a list of your custom colors for your team so everyone knows what's available.

Keep Everyone on the Same Page

When working with others, make sure to document your custom colors and how to use them. This keeps the design consistent and helps everyone work together smoothly.

Adjusting Text Opacity

Adjusting Text Opacity

Tailwind provides utilities to adjust the opacity of your text color. This is useful when you want to create subtle effects or overlays. You can use classes like text-opacity-50 to set the text opacity to 50%. Combine this with your text color class to achieve the desired effect.

Using Opacity Classes

The text-opacity-{amount} classes let you adjust the opacity of your text color, where {amount} is a number from 0 to 100.


  • text-opacity-100: Fully opaque (default)

  • text-opacity-75: 75% opacity

  • text-opacity-50: 50% opacity

  • text-opacity-25: 25% opacity

  • text-opacity-0: Fully transparent

Combining with Text Color

You can mix opacity classes with text color classes to get the effect you want.

<p class="text-green-600 text-opacity-75">This text is green with 75% opacity.</p>
<p class="text-orange-500 text-opacity-50">This text is orange with 50% opacity.</p>

Creative Uses of Text Opacity

Watermark Effect:

<div class="relative">
  <img src="background.jpg" alt="Background Image" class="w-full">
  <h1 class="absolute top-0 left-0 text-white text-opacity-50 text-6xl">Sample Watermark</h1>

Reducing the text opacity creates a watermark that doesn't overpower the background image.

Disabled Text:

<p class="text-gray-600 text-opacity-50">This feature is currently unavailable.</p>

Lower opacity suggests that the text is disabled or less important.

Overlay Text:

<div class="bg-black bg-opacity-50 p-6">
  <p class="text-white text-opacity-90">Overlay Text</p>

Combining background and text opacity can create effective overlays for call-out sections.

Customizing Opacity Values

If the default opacity values don't meet your needs, you can customize them in your tailwind.config.js file.

module.exports = {
  theme: {
    extend: {
      opacity: {
        '15': '0.15',
        '85': '0.85',

Now you can use text-opacity-15 and text-opacity-85 in your classes.

Tips for Effective Text Color Use

Tips for Effective Text Color and Palette

Choosing the right text color isn't just about looks; it's also about readability and accessibility. Here are some tips:

Put Accessibility First

  • Contrast Matters: Make sure there's enough contrast between your text and the background.

  • Consider Color Blindness: Think about users with color vision deficiencies. Tools like a color blindness simulator can help.

  • Check Contrast Ratios: Aim for a contrast ratio of at least 4.5:1 for normal text and 3:1 for large text.

Understand Color Meanings

Colors can evoke emotions and send messages without words.

  • Warm Colors (Red, Orange, Yellow): Often linked with energy, urgency, and warmth.

  • Cool Colors (Blue, Green, Purple): Convey calmness, trust, and professionalism.

  • Neutral Colors (Black, White, Gray): Good for backgrounds and balancing other colors.


  • Using red for error messages to grab attention.

  • Using green for success messages to indicate positivity.

Use Tools to Choose Colors

Several tools can help you pick harmonious color schemes and ensure accessibility.

  • Adobe Color: Create color schemes and palettes.

  • Contrast Checker: Evaluate the contrast ratio of your text and background colors.

  • Coolors.co: Generate random color palettes or explore trending ones.

Think About Branding

  • Align with Brand Identity: Use colors that match your brand to create a cohesive experience.

  • Emotional Impact: Colors can affect how users feel. For example, blue can convey trust, while red can signal urgency.

Be Mindful of Cultural Context

  • Cultural Meanings: Colors can have different meanings in different cultures. Keep your audience in mind when choosing colors.

Stay Consistent

  • Use Component Libraries: If using component libraries, make sure your text colors match other UI elements like buttons and links.

  • Indicate States Consistently: Use the same colors to show states like errors, warnings, and success messages.

Test and Get Feedback

  • User Testing: Ask real users or team members what they think of your color choices.

  • A/B Testing: Try different colors to see which ones work better for engagement and readability.

Keep It Simple

Sometimes less is more. Limiting the number of colors used for text can make your design look cleaner and more professional.

Solving Common Issues

Sometimes, you might run into issues where your text color isn't displaying as expected. Here are some common fixes:

Specificity and Order

  • CSS Specificity: Inline styles or other CSS rules with higher specificity can override Tailwind classes. To fix this, avoid conflicting inline styles or adjust your CSS.

  • Class Order: The order of your classes can matter. Make sure your text color classes aren't being overridden by other utility classes.

Missing Configurations

  • PurgeCSS: If you're using PurgeCSS to remove unused CSS, your custom classes might be removed if not properly configured. Make sure PurgeCSS includes all paths where Tailwind classes are used.

  • Build Process: Incorrect build setups can prevent Tailwind from compiling correctly. Check your build tools like Webpack or PostCSS for issues.

Version Mismatches

  • Dependency Versions: Ensure all Tailwind-related dependencies are compatible. Mixing versions can cause problems.

  • Check Documentation: Always refer to the documentation for your Tailwind version, as classes can change between versions.

Browser Caching

  • Stale CSS: Browsers cache CSS files, which can lead to outdated styles showing up. Encourage users to clear their cache or implement cache busting techniques.

Conflicting Libraries

  • Other CSS Frameworks: Using Tailwind with other CSS frameworks might cause conflicts. Consider isolating styles or not using multiple frameworks.

  • Third-Party Components: Components from libraries may have their own styles that override Tailwind classes. Use Tailwind's @apply directive to extend these components.

Integration with JavaScript Frameworks

When working with frameworks like React, Vue, or Angular, you might face specific challenges.

  • Class Binding: Make sure you're adding classes correctly. For example, in React, use className instead of class.

  • Dynamic Classes: When applying classes conditionally, ensure they're included in the PurgeCSS configuration to prevent them from being removed.

Debugging Tips

  1. Inspect Elements: Use your browser's developer tools to see which styles are being applied.

  2. Check Console Logs: Look for errors or warnings that might indicate issues.

  3. Simplify Your Code: Temporarily remove other classes to isolate the problem.

  4. Ask the Community: Tailwind has an active community. Forums like Stack Overflow might have answers.

Advanced Techniques

While Tailwind's utility classes cover most needs, sometimes you might need more advanced approaches.

Using @apply for Complex Styling

In your CSS files, you can use the @apply directive to group utilities.

.button {
  @apply text-white bg-blue-500 hover:bg-blue-700 font-bold py-2 px-4 rounded;

Then, in your HTML:

<button class="button">Click Me</button>

This keeps your HTML clean and your styles consistent.

Combining Utilities for Unique Effects

Tailwind shines when you combine utilities to create complex designs.

Example: Gradient Text

While Tailwind doesn't support text gradients by default, you can achieve this effect:

<h1 class="text-6xl bg-clip-text text-transparent bg-gradient-to-r from-green-400 to-blue-500">
  Gradient Text

Here, the text is transparent, and the background gradient shows through, creating a gradient text effect.

Custom Plugins

If you need features beyond Tailwind's defaults, you can write custom plugins.

Example: Text Shadow Plugin

Install the plugin:

npm install tailwindcss-textshadow

Add it to your configuration:

module.exports = {
  plugins: [

Now, you can use classes like text-shadow or text-shadow-lg to add shadows to your text.


Tailwind CSS makes styling text colors easy, giving you flexibility and convenience. With its wide range of default colors and customization options, Tailwind helps developers create attractive and accessible websites without much effort.

Whether you're making a blog, an online store, or a corporate site, knowing how to use Tailwind's text color classes can greatly improve your project's appearance. So feel free to try out different colors and opacities, and let your creativity show in your designs.

Remember, the key to using text colors well is balancing looks with usability. Keep accessibility in mind, stay consistent in your project, and use Tailwind's features to make your development smoother and more fun.

Happy coding!


How do I change the default text colors in Tailwind CSS?

To change the default text colors, edit the theme.colors section in your tailwind.config.js file. You can override existing colors or add new ones to suit your design needs.

Can I use HEX or RGB values directly in Tailwind classes?

Tailwind doesn't support using HEX or RGB values directly in class names. However, you can add custom colors to your configuration file and assign them names, which you can then use in your classes.

How can I make sure my text colors are accessible?

Ensure there's enough contrast between your text and background colors. Use online tools like the WebAIM Contrast Checker to verify that your color combinations meet accessibility standards.

What do the numbers like '500' mean in Tailwind color classes?

The numbers represent the shade of the color, ranging from lighter shades (50) to darker ones (900). For example, text-blue-500 is a medium shade of blue, while text-blue-900 is a very dark blue.

Why aren't my custom text colors showing up?

If your custom colors aren't appearing, check your tailwind.config.js file for typos or misconfigurations. Also, make sure your build process is properly compiling your Tailwind CSS with the updated configurations.

Is it possible to adjust text color based on the user's system preferences (dark mode)?

Yes! Tailwind provides modifiers like dark to adjust styles based on the user's system settings. For example: dark:text-gray-200

How do I use Tailwind text colors in React?

In React, use the className attribute: className="text-red-500"

How do I use Tailwind text colors in Vue?

In Vue, bind the class attribute: <template> <p :class="['text-green-500']">This is green text in Vue.</p> </template>

Yucel Faruk Sahan

Yucel is a digital product maker and content writer specializing in full-stack development. He is passionate about crafting engaging content and creating innovative solutions that bridge technology and user needs. In his free time, he enjoys discovering new technologies and drawing inspiration from the great outdoors.