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Tailwind Flex Guide

Learn to create flexible, responsive layouts with Tailwind flex utilities

by Yucel Faruk Sahan
9 min read
Updated on

Designing a website that looks great on all devices—from small phones to big desktop screens—can be tricky. But Tailwind CSS can make this easier. With its Flexbox tools, you can create layouts that smoothly adjust to different screen sizes.

What Is Flexbox?

In this guide, we'll look at Tailwind Flex and how you can use it to make your web designs flexible and responsive. Let's get started!

What Is Flexbox and Why Use It?

Before we get into Tailwind Flex, let's talk about Flexbox itself. Flexbox, or Flexible Box Layout, is a CSS layout model. It helps you design layouts that smoothly adjust to different screen and content sizes. Before Flexbox, making complex layouts was hard and often needed complicated CSS tricks. Flexbox makes things much easier.

Key Concepts of Flexbox

  • Flex Container and Flex Items: A flex container is the parent element that holds flex items. To make it a flex container, set display: flex. The child elements inside are called flex items.

  • Main Axis and Cross Axis: The main axis is the direction flex items flow in. By default, this is left to right (horizontal). The cross axis is perpendicular to the main axis, which is vertical by default.

Knowing these basics will help you use Tailwind's Flexbox tools better.

Getting Started with Tailwind Flex Utilities

Choosing Flex Direction: Row or Column

Tailwind CSS has simple classes that let you use Flexbox without writing custom CSS.

Making a Flex Container

To turn an element into a flex container, add the flex class:

<div class="flex">
  <!-- Your flex items go here -->

If you want it to behave like an inline element (like a span), use inline-flex:

<span class="inline-flex">
  <!-- Your flex items go here -->

These classes set up the flex environment, and then you can control the layout with more Tailwind utilities.

Choosing Flex Direction: Row or Column

The flex-direction property sets how flex items are arranged.

Horizontal Layout (Row)

Flex direction is row by default, but you can specify it:

<div class="flex flex-row">
  <!-- Items line up left to right -->

Vertical Layout (Column)

To stack items top to bottom:

<div class="flex flex-col">
  <!-- Items stack vertically -->

To reverse the order, use flex-row-reverse or flex-col-reverse.

Aligning and Justifying Items in Flex Containers

Tailwind makes it easy to align items horizontally and vertically.

Justifying Content Horizontally

You can control how items are spaced horizontally:

  • justify-start: Items align to the left

  • justify-center: Items center horizontally

  • justify-end: Items align to the right

  • justify-between: Equal space between items

  • justify-around: Equal space around items

  • justify-evenly: Equal space between all items, including the edges


<div class="flex justify-center">
  <!-- Items are centered horizontally -->

Aligning Content Vertically

You can control how items are aligned vertically:

  • items-start: Items align to the top

  • items-center: Items center vertically

  • items-end: Items align to the bottom

  • items-stretch: Items stretch to fill the container

  • items-baseline: Items align based on their text baseline


<div class="flex items-center">
  <!-- Items are centered vertically -->

Combining justify-center and items-center places items in the center both horizontally and vertically.

Making Items Wrap and Changing Order

Making Flex Items Wrap and Changing Order

Allowing Items to Wrap

By default, flex items try to stay on one line. To allow wrapping:

  • flex-wrap: Items wrap onto new lines

  • flex-nowrap: Items stay on one line

  • flex-wrap-reverse: Items wrap onto new lines in reverse order


<div class="flex flex-wrap">
  <!-- Items wrap to new lines as needed -->

Changing Item Order

To change the visual order of items without changing the HTML, use order classes:

<div class="flex">
  <div class="order-2">Second Item</div>
  <div class="order-1">First Item</div>

In this example, "First Item" will appear before "Second Item" on the page, even though it's after in the HTML.

Controlling Item Growth and Shrinkage

Flex items can grow or shrink to fill space. You can control this with Tailwind classes.

Allowing Items to Grow

To let an item expand and fill space:

  • flex-grow: Item can grow

  • flex-grow-0: Item won't grow


<div class="flex">
  <div class="flex-grow">
    <!-- This item can grow to fill space -->
    <!-- This item keeps its size -->

Allowing Items to Shrink

To let an item shrink when space is tight:

  • flex-shrink: Item can shrink

  • flex-shrink-0: Item won't shrink

Setting Initial Item Size

The flex-basis property sets an item's initial size. In Tailwind, use width classes:

<div class="flex">
  <div class="w-1/2">
    <!-- This item takes up half the container's width -->
  <div class="w-1/2">
    <!-- This item takes up the other half -->

Creating Responsive Layouts with Tailwind Flex

Controlling Item Growth and Shrinkage

One of Tailwind's strengths is handling responsive design. Using responsive prefixes, you can change layouts at different screen sizes.

For example:

<div class="flex flex-col md:flex-row">
  <div class="md:w-1/2">
    <!-- Content for one half -->
  <div class="md:w-1/2">
    <!-- Content for the other half -->

In this example, on small screens, flex-col stacks items vertically. On medium screens and up (md:), flex-row makes the layout horizontal, with each item taking up half the width.

Responsive Prefixes

Tailwind uses prefixes like sm:md:lg:xl:, and 2xl: to apply classes at certain screen sizes.

For example:

  • sm:flex applies flex on small screens and up

  • md:w-1/2 sets width to half on medium screens and up

By combining these prefixes with flex classes, you can create layouts that adjust smoothly across devices.

Mixing Flexbox with Other Tailwind Utilities

Tailwind's utility-first approach lets you combine classes to get the design you want.

Adding Spacing

Use gap classes to add space between items:

<div class="flex gap-4">
  <!-- Items have a gap of 1rem between them -->

This adds consistent spacing without extra HTML elements.

Adjusting Designs for Different Screens

Change classes based on screen size:

<div class="flex flex-col lg:flex-row">
  <!-- Items stack vertically on small screens -->
  <!-- Items display side by side on large screens -->

Styling Flex Items

Add background, text, and other styling classes:

<div class="flex bg-gray-200 p-4">
  <div class="text-red-500">
    <!-- Styled content -->
  <div class="text-green-500">
    <!-- More styled content -->

By mixing these utilities, you can quickly build complex and appealing layouts.

Real-World Examples with Tailwind Flex

Let's see some practical uses of Tailwind Flex.

Centering Content Horizontally and Vertically

To center content both ways:

<div class="flex items-center justify-center h-screen">
  <!-- Content centered in the viewport -->

h-screen sets the container height to the full viewport height.

Building a Responsive Navigation Bar

A nav bar that adjusts for different screen sizes:

<nav class="flex flex-col md:flex-row md:items-center p-4 bg-blue-500 text-white">
  <div class="mr-auto">
    <!-- Logo or brand name -->
  <div class="flex flex-col md:flex-row">
    <a href="#" class="p-2">Home</a>
    <a href="#" class="p-2">About</a>
    <a href="#" class="p-2">Contact</a>

On small screens, links stack vertically. On medium screens and up, they appear in a row.

Creating a Responsive Product Grid

Display products in a grid that adjusts to screen size:

<div class="flex flex-wrap -mx-2">
  <div class="w-full sm:w-1/2 lg:w-1/4 px-2 mb-4">
    <!-- Product card -->
  <!-- Repeat product cards as needed -->

Here, each product card is full width on extra small screens, half width on small to medium screens, and one-quarter width on large screens.

Advanced Techniques with Tailwind Flex

Nesting Flex Containers

You can nest flex containers for more complex layouts:

<div class="flex flex-col md:flex-row">
  <div class="flex-1">
    <!-- Main content area -->
  <div class="flex flex-col flex-1">
    <div class="flex-1">
      <!-- Sidebar or secondary content -->
    <div class="flex-1">
      <!-- Additional content -->

By nesting flex containers, you can create layouts with multiple flexible levels.

Centering Modals and Overlays

To center a modal using flex:

<div class="fixed inset-0 flex items-center justify-center bg-black bg-opacity-50">
  <div class="bg-white p-8 rounded">
    <!-- Modal content -->

This centers the modal both vertically and horizontally over a translucent background.

Tips for Using Tailwind Flex

Tips for Using Tailwind Flex

Keep Class Names Manageable

Adding lots of classes can clutter your HTML. You can extract repeated class combinations into components or use Tailwind's @apply directive in your CSS to keep things tidy.

Customize Tailwind Config

If you need classes that aren't in Tailwind by default, you can customize your tailwind.config.js file to add or modify utilities.

Keep Accessibility in Mind

Make sure your layouts are accessible. For example, if you change the visual order using order classes, screen readers might still read items in the original order. Keep this in mind when designing.

Common Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Misaligned Items

If items aren't aligning as expected, make sure you're applying alignment classes to the flex container, not the items themselves.

Overlapping Items

If items overlap or don't wrap as expected, check for unwanted negative margins, flex-shrink-0 on items that should shrink, or conflicting classes.

Too Many Classes

Though Tailwind promotes utility classes, sometimes it's better to extract complex styles into a CSS class or component to keep your HTML clean.

Troubleshooting Flex Issues

Even with Tailwind's simplicity, you might face some issues.

Items Not Aligning Right

Make sure you're using the correct alignment classes on the flex container. items-center aligns items vertically, justify-center aligns them horizontally.

Items Wrapping Unwantedly

If items wrap when you don't want them to, ensure you have flex-nowrap applied. Check for width settings on items that might make them too wide for the container.

Content Overflowing

If content spills out of the container, add overflow-hidden to the container or adjust the flex properties. Check for oversized images or content that doesn't scale.

Using Tailwind Flex with CSS Grid

Flexbox is great for one-dimensional layouts (row or column), but sometimes you need two-dimensional layouts. Tailwind also has CSS Grid utilities you can use alongside Flexbox.

For example:

<div class="grid grid-cols-3 gap-4">
  <div class="col-span-2 flex items-center">
    <!-- Content using Flexbox for alignment -->
  <div class="flex items-center justify-center">
    <!-- More content -->

Here, CSS Grid defines the layout, and Flexbox aligns items inside grid cells.

Tailwind Flex in Real Projects

Designing Dashboards

Dashboards often need complex layouts that adjust to different data and screen sizes. Using Flexbox with Tailwind makes building these layouts easier.

Building Mobile-First Designs

Start with mobile layouts and add responsive classes. This ensures your designs look good on small screens and scale up well.

Prototyping Fast

Tailwind's utility classes let you build layouts quickly without writing custom CSS, speeding up development.

Wrap Up

Tailwind Flex utilities let you build flexible and responsive layouts without complex CSS. With simple classes, you can control how elements display and align on the page. Whether you're making a simple site or a complex app, Tailwind Flex can help you out. So try out these utilities and see how they can improve your web designs!


What does the flex class do in Tailwind?

The flex class turns an element into a flex container by applying display: flex. This lets you use other flex utilities to control layout and alignment of its child elements.

Does Tailwind support both Flexbox and CSS Grid?

Yes! Tailwind provides utilities for both Flexbox and CSS Grid. Use flex and related classes for Flexbox layouts, and grid classes for CSS Grid layouts. Choose what fits your design best.

How can I limit the number of flex items per row?

Control the width of flex items using width classes like w-1/2 or w-1/3. By setting item widths, you decide how many items fit in a row before wrapping. Also, use flex-wrap if you want items to wrap to new lines.

How do I center a div both horizontally and vertically?

Use flex, items-center, and justify-center classes: class="flex items-center justify-center h-screen"

Yucel Faruk Sahan

Yucel is a digital product maker and content writer specializing in full-stack development. He is passionate about crafting engaging content and creating innovative solutions that bridge technology and user needs. In his free time, he enjoys discovering new technologies and drawing inspiration from the great outdoors.