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How to Hide Scrollbars in Tailwind CSS

A complete guide to hiding scrollbars in Tailwind CSS

by Yucel Faruk Sahan
8 min read
Updated on

How to Hide Scrollbars in Tailwind CSS

Trying to build a sleek web design but those scrollbars keep messing up the look? You're not alone. Many developers want to hide scrollbars while still letting users scroll through content. Don't worry, we've got a solution using Tailwind CSS. Let's see how you can get that clean look without losing functionality.

Understanding Scrollbars in Web Design

Scrollbars help us navigate content that's bigger than its container. But sometimes, they don't match your design style. You might want to hide the scrollbar but still let users know they can scroll. Before we get into how to do that, let's talk about why you might hide scrollbars and what it means for user experience.

Scrollbars show that there's more content to see. Hiding them can make your design cleaner, but you still need to let users know they can scroll. Balancing looks and usability is important.

Understanding Scrollbars in Web Design

Why Would You Hide Scrollbars?

There are a few reasons you might want to hide scrollbars:

  • Design Style: In minimal or modern designs, scrollbars might not fit the look you're going for.

  • Custom Scrolling Effects: If you're using custom scroll animations, you might not need the default scrollbar.

  • Saving Space: On small screens or tight layouts, hiding scrollbars can give you more room.

  • Embedded Content: Scrollbars might get in the way when embedding things like maps or sliders.

While it's great to make your site look good, it's also important to make sure users can still navigate easily.

Tailwind's Overflow Utilities

Tailwind CSS has utilities to handle content overflow. They let you control what happens when content is bigger than its container. Here's a quick look at some overflow classes:

  • overflow-visible: The default setting. Content goes beyond the container.

  • overflow-hidden: Cuts off content that overflows, hiding both the content and the scrollbars.

  • overflow-scroll: Always shows scrollbars, even if the content fits.

  • overflow-auto: Adds scrollbars when needed.

  • overflow-x-* and overflow-y-*: Control overflow on the horizontal or vertical axis. Replace `` with hiddenscrollauto, or visible.

These utilities help you decide how your content displays and when scrollbars show up.

Mixing Overflow Classes

Maybe you want horizontal scrolling but not vertical. Tailwind makes this easy:

<div class="overflow-x-auto overflow-y-hidden">
  <!-- Content that scrolls sideways but not up and down -->

This control is handy when designing responsive layouts.

Mixing Overflow Classes

Hiding Scrollbars but Keeping Scrolling

Now, let's tackle the main challenge: hiding the scrollbar while keeping the scroll action. It might sound tricky, but with Tailwind CSS, it's pretty straightforward.

Making a Custom Class to Hide Scrollbars

Tailwind doesn't have a built-in class to hide scrollbars completely, but you can create one with custom CSS.

Step 1: Add Custom CSS

In your global CSS file, add these styles:

/* Hide scrollbar in Chrome, Safari, and Opera */
.no-scrollbar::-webkit-scrollbar {
  display: none;

/* Hide scrollbar in IE, Edge, and Firefox */
.no-scrollbar {
  -ms-overflow-style: none; /* IE and Edge */
  scrollbar-width: none; /* Firefox */

This CSS hides scrollbars in different browsers but keeps the scrolling functionality.

Step 2: Use the Class in Your HTML

Add the no-scrollbar class along with Tailwind's overflow utilities:

<div class="overflow-auto no-scrollbar">
  <!-- Your content here -->

By combining overflow-auto and no-scrollbar, your content can be scrolled without showing the scrollbar.

Integrating the Class with Tailwind

If you prefer to keep everything within Tailwind's system, you can extend its configuration.

Step 1: Update Tailwind Configuration

In your tailwind.config.js file, add the following:

module.exports = {
  // ...
  plugins: [],

Step 2: Use the @layer Directive

In your CSS file, add:

@layer utilities {
  .no-scrollbar::-webkit-scrollbar {
    display: none;
  .no-scrollbar {
    -ms-overflow-style: none;
    scrollbar-width: none;

This way, your custom class is included in Tailwind's build process.

Customizing Scrollbars with Tailwind CSS

Customizing Scrollbars with Tailwind CSS

If you'd rather style the scrollbar instead of hiding it, you can use the tailwind-scrollbar plugin. This lets you adjust how the scrollbar looks to better match your design.

Using the tailwind-scrollbar Plugin

Step 1: Install the Plugin

Run this command to add the plugin:

npm install tailwind-scrollbar

Step 2: Update Tailwind Configuration

In your tailwind.config.js file, include the plugin:

module.exports = {
  // ...
  plugins: [

Step 3: Apply the Plugin Classes

Now you can use the plugin's classes in your HTML:

<div class="overflow-auto scrollbar scrollbar-thumb-gray-900 scrollbar-track-gray-100">
  <!-- Your content here -->

This customizes the scrollbar's thumb and track colors. Adjust the styles as needed for your design.

Advanced Customization

The plugin offers more options. You can change the scrollbar's width, shape, and more.


<div class="overflow-auto h-64 scrollbar scrollbar-thin scrollbar-thumb-rounded scrollbar-thumb-gray-900 scrollbar-track-gray-100">
  <!-- Your content here -->

In this example:

  • scrollbar-thin makes the scrollbar slimmer.

  • scrollbar-thumb-rounded rounds the edges of the scrollbar thumb.

These classes give you more control over how the scrollbar looks.

Using Plugins to Hide Scrollbars

Using Plugins to Hide Scrollbars

There's also a handy plugin called tailwind-scrollbar-hide that makes hiding scrollbars even easier.

How to Use the tailwind-scrollbar-hide Plugin

Step 1: Install the Plugin

Add the plugin with:

npm install tailwind-scrollbar-hide

Step 2: Update Tailwind Configuration

In your tailwind.config.js file, add:

module.exports = {
  // ...
  plugins: [

Step 3: Use the Utility Class

Now, apply the scrollbar-hide class in your HTML:

<div class="overflow-auto scrollbar-hide">
  <!-- Your content here -->

With scrollbar-hide, scrollbars are hidden but content can still be scrolled.

Making Sure It Works Everywhere

When hiding scrollbars, it's important to make sure your solution works in all browsers. Different browsers handle scrollbars differently, so your CSS needs to cover them all.

Scrollbar Styles for Different Browsers

  • WebKit Browsers (Chrome, Safari, Opera): Use ::-webkit-scrollbar to style or hide the scrollbar.

  • Firefox: Use the scrollbar-width property.

  • Internet Explorer and Edge: Use ms-overflow-style.

By targeting these properties, you can hide the scrollbar in all browsers.

Example CSS:

/* For Chrome, Safari, and Opera */
.scroll-hidden::-webkit-scrollbar {
  display: none;

/* For IE and Edge */
.scroll-hidden {
  -ms-overflow-style: none;

/* For Firefox */
.scroll-hidden {
  scrollbar-width: none;

Testing in Different Browsers

To make sure everything looks right, test your site in various browsers. Tools like BrowserStack or CrossBrowserTesting can help you see how your site behaves in different environments.

Watch Out for Common Issues

Hiding scrollbars can cause some problems if not done carefully. Here are some things to watch out for and how to fix them.

Users Might Not Know They Can Scroll

If users don't see a scrollbar, they might not realize there's more content.

What to Do: Provide other visual hints. For example:

  • Add a fade effect at the bottom of the content to show there's more.

  • Use arrows or icons that suggest scrolling.

  • Add subtle animations that move content slightly to hint at more content.

Accessibility Concerns

Hidden scrollbars might affect users who rely on keyboards or assistive technologies.

What to Do: Make sure the content can be navigated using the keyboard. Test your site with screen readers to ensure all users can access your content.

Mobile Devices

On touch devices, scrollbars work differently. Be sure to test on phones and tablets to see how your content behaves.

What to Do: Use responsive design principles and test on real devices or emulators.

Tips for Hiding Scrollbars

When you decide to hide scrollbars, keep these best practices in mind to maintain a good user experience.

Make Sure Everyone Can Access Content

Always check that all users can still navigate your content, even if the scrollbars are hidden.

Test on Different Devices and Browsers

Something that looks good in one browser might not in another. Test your design on all major browsers and devices.

Give Users a Hint

If you hide the scrollbar, let users know they can scroll in another way. Visual cues or small instructions can help.

Keep Your CSS Simple

Avoid overly complicated CSS rules that might slow down your site. Keep your styles clean and specific.

Other Ways to Hide Scrollbars

Besides the methods we've covered, there are other ways to hide scrollbars.

Using CSS WebKit Scrollbar Properties

For WebKit browsers, you can make the scrollbar transparent.

.my-scrollbar::-webkit-scrollbar {
  width: 0px;
  background: transparent;

This effectively hides the scrollbar in browsers like Chrome and Safari.

Overlay Scrollbars

Another method is to use overflow: overlay; which allows content to scroll without shifting layout due to scrollbar width. However, this property isn't standard and doesn't work everywhere.

JavaScript Solutions

You can use JavaScript to create custom scroll effects or control scrollbar appearance.


document.querySelector('.my-scrollbar').style.scrollbarWidth = 'none';

Be cautious with JavaScript solutions, as they can affect performance if not done properly.

Keep an Eye on Performance

Changing how scrollbars work can impact performance, especially with heavy customizations.

Keep CSS Simple

Avoid complex CSS that might slow down rendering. Stick to straightforward styles.

Limit DOM Changes

If you're using JavaScript to modify scrollbars, minimize changes to the Document Object Model (DOM).

Monitor Performance

Use browser developer tools to watch performance. Pay attention to rendering times and resource usage.

Think About Accessibility

While hiding scrollbars can make your site look better, it's important to think about all users. Scrollbars show that more content is available, so hiding them might confuse some visitors. Here are some tips:

  • Provide Visual Hints: Use arrows, gradients, or other signals to show that content can be scrolled.

  • Check Keyboard Navigation: Make sure users can navigate your content using the keyboard.

  • Test with Assistive Technologies: Ensure that screen readers and other tools can interact with your content properly.

Aim to make your website accessible to everyone while keeping your design polished.

Wrapping Up

Hiding scrollbars in Tailwind CSS is easy and can make your website look cleaner. Whether you choose to hide them completely or just customize their appearance, Tailwind gives you the tools to do it. Just remember to keep usability in mind so all visitors have a good experience on your site.

Balancing style and functionality is key. By following these steps and considering the needs of all users, you can create a site that looks great and works well.


How do I hide scrollbars in Tailwind CSS without losing scroll functionality?

Create a custom CSS class to hide the scrollbar and use it along with Tailwind's overflow utilities. You can also use the tailwind-scrollbar-hide plugin for an easier solution.

Can I customize scrollbar styles in Tailwind CSS?

Yes, by using the tailwind-scrollbar plugin, you can style scrollbars to match your design. This includes changing colors, sizes, and other style features of the scrollbar track and thumb.

Is hiding scrollbars bad for accessibility?

Hiding scrollbars can affect usability for some users because it removes the visual clue that more content is available. To help with this, provide other hints like arrows or gradients, and make sure your site works with keyboard navigation and assistive technologies.

How do I make an element scrollable in Tailwind CSS?

Use Tailwind's overflow utilities like overflow-auto, overflow-scroll, overflow-x-auto, or overflow-y-auto to control how an element scrolls.

How can I test if my hidden scrollbars work across all browsers?

Test your site on all major browsers, including Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge, and Internet Explorer. Use browser developer tools or online services that provide cross-browser testing environments.

Yucel Faruk Sahan

Yucel is a digital product maker and content writer specializing in full-stack development. He is passionate about crafting engaging content and creating innovative solutions that bridge technology and user needs. In his free time, he enjoys discovering new technologies and drawing inspiration from the great outdoors.