Conditional Visibility with Tailwind's Hidden and Display Utilities

Learn to control element visibility in Tailwind CSS using hidden and display utilities.

by Yucel Faruk Sahan
6 min read
Updated on

Conditional Visibility with Tailwind's Hidden and Display Utilities

In modern web design, controlling the visibility of elements is crucial for creating responsive and interactive user interfaces. Tailwind CSS provides utilities like hidden and display utilities such as block, inline, and flex to manage the visibility and display properties of elements efficiently. Understanding the differences between these utilities and knowing when to use each can significantly enhance the flexibility and responsiveness of your designs.

Understanding Tailwind's Visibility Utilities

The hidden Utility

The hidden utility in Tailwind CSS applies display: none to an element, effectively removing it from the document flow. This means the element will not occupy any space in the layout, and it won't be visible or interactable by users.

<div class="hidden">This content is hidden and does not take up space.</div>

Display Utilities (block, inline, flex, etc.)

Tailwind also offers a range of display utilities that set the display property of an element to different values:

  • block: Applies display: block, causing the element to behave like a block-level element.

  • inline: Applies display: inline, making the element behave like an inline element.

  • inline-block: Combines characteristics of both block and inline elements.

  • flex: Applies display: flex, enabling Flexbox layout for the element's children.

  • grid: Applies display: grid, enabling CSS Grid layout.

<div class="block">This is a block-level element.</div>
<span class="inline">This is an inline element.</span>
<div class="flex">
  <!-- Flex items -->

Differences Between hidden and Display Utilities

The primary difference between using hidden and the display utilities lies in how they affect the element's presence in the document flow:

  • hidden completely removes the element from the document flow. It doesn't render on the page, doesn't take up space, and is not accessible to assistive technologies like screen readers.

  • Display utilities change how an element is rendered and how it affects the layout but do not remove it from the document flow. For example, changing an element to display: none via a display utility will have the same effect as hidden. However, setting it to block, flex, etc., changes its display type but keeps it visible and interactive.

Toggling Visibility Conditionally

Conditional visibility is essential for responsive designs and dynamic user interfaces. Tailwind provides several ways to toggle the visibility of elements conditionally.

Responsive Variants

Tailwind's responsive variants allow you to apply utilities at specific breakpoints. For instance, you can hide an element on mobile devices and display it on larger screens:

<!-- Hidden on small screens, block on medium and up -->
<div class="hidden md:block">This content is only visible on medium screens and up.</div>

Conditional Classes with JavaScript or Frameworks

When using JavaScript or frameworks like React, Vue, or Angular, you can conditionally apply Tailwind classes based on the application state.

Example using React:

function App() {
  const [isVisible, setIsVisible] = useState(false);

  return (
      <button onClick={() => setIsVisible(!isVisible)}>Toggle Content</button>
      <div className={isVisible ? 'block' : 'hidden'}>
        This content visibility is toggled.

In this example, the block class is applied when isVisible is true, and hidden when false.

Example using Vue.js:

    <button @click="isVisible = !isVisible">Toggle Content</button>
    <div :class="isVisible ? 'block' : 'hidden'">
      This content visibility is toggled.

export default {
  data() {
    return { isVisible: false };

Using opacity and visibility Utilities

Sometimes, you might want an element to be invisible but still occupy space in the layout or be accessible to screen readers. In such cases, you can use opacity-0 to make it fully transparent or invisible to make it invisible while retaining its space.

<!-- Element is invisible but still takes up space and is accessible -->
<div class="invisible">This content is invisible but occupies space.</div>

<!-- Element is transparent but occupies space -->
<div class="opacity-0">This content is transparent but occupies space.</div>

When to Use hidden Versus Other Visibility Strategies

Choosing between hidden, display utilities, and other strategies depends on the specific requirements of your design and accessibility considerations.

Use hidden When:

  • You want to remove an element entirely from the layout: The element should not occupy any space, and the rest of the content should shift accordingly.

  • The element should not be accessible: It should not be focusable or read by screen readers.

  • You need to hide elements conditionally based on state or breakpoints: hidden can be combined with responsive variants for responsive designs.

Use Display Utilities When:

  • Changing display types: When you need to switch an element's display type, such as from block to flex, to alter the layout of its children.

  • Creating responsive layouts: Adjusting the display property at different screen sizes.

Use opacity or visibility Utilities When:

  • Maintaining layout space: The element should not be visible but should still occupy space in the layout.

  • Accessibility considerations: The element should remain accessible to screen readers and focusable by keyboard users.

Accessibility Considerations

Hiding elements with display: none (using hidden or display-none) removes them from the accessibility tree. Screen readers will ignore these elements entirely. If you need the element to be accessible while not being visible, using opacity-0 or invisible is preferable.


<!-- Accessible but not visible -->
<button class="opacity-0">Invisible Button</button>

In this example, the button is not visible to sighted users but can still be focused and activated by screen reader users.

Performance Implications

  • Rendering Performance: Frequently toggling display properties can cause reflow and repaint in the browser, potentially impacting performance in complex layouts.

  • Using Transitions: Applying transitions to display changes isn't possible directly. If you need to animate visibility changes, you might use opacity or transform properties instead.

Example with Transition:

<div class="transition-opacity duration-500" :class="isVisible ? 'opacity-100' : 'opacity-0'">
  This content fades in and out.


Tailwind CSS provides powerful utilities for controlling the visibility and display of elements. By understanding the differences between the hidden utility and display utilities like block, inline, and flex, you can create responsive, accessible, and performant web interfaces. Choose the appropriate utility based on whether you want to remove the element from the layout entirely (hidden), change its layout behavior (display utilities), or hide it visually while keeping it accessible (opacity-0 or invisible).

Remember to consider accessibility implications when hiding elements, ensuring that your web applications are usable by all users, including those relying on assistive technologies.

Yucel Faruk Sahan

Yucel is a digital product maker and content writer specializing in full-stack development. He is passionate about crafting engaging content and creating innovative solutions that bridge technology and user needs. In his free time, he enjoys discovering new technologies and drawing inspiration from the great outdoors.